152 minute;
Rating=2222499 Votes;
director=Christopher Nolan
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' I'm gonna take down The Batman' Batman: u have my permission to try
I love Bruce's hair at the end. It really do be flowing.
Not just Dark Knight alone. But the whole Dark Knight Trilogy will always be better/the best.
I wonder why this film received that much positive reviews, compared to batman begins, this film is a much weaker one, The action is not that much as i expected, and it was not in good quality also, the plot was also weak, the origin of the joker is not shown in the film, however in such kinds of superhero films, describing the origin of the villain makes the story more interesting, at least a background of the villain could have been described to make joker more interesting. A joker without an origin or background is nothing but a psychopath,sadistic and an empty characther that creates meaningless violence, an exciting violence that impresses the audience must be a meaningful one however, and this requires an origin of the villain.(remember the origin of jack nicholson's joker in batman 1989, the background was fully described)
At the fifth minute of the film, poof here comes the joker, what's wrong with him? what happened to him. we don't know, all we do know about joker in this film is his face, his laugh and his sadistic characther, which are simply not enough for one of the most famous evil characthers of all times.
In addition, if we consider the amount and quality of the action films in the previous decade, the action in this movie was the previous decade, The terminator 2 for example is from 1991 and it was made as if it has much more technology than this poor dark knight.
How about the other mob bosses, they are also very important and supposed to move with joker, they are completely ignored in this film, Salvatore maroni is an important characther in batman, however he is not even an interest in the must have been.
The ending was disastrous, terrible by all means, couldn't they think about a more creative ending? And how the hell this joker guy in dark knight manages to beat the whole city, it's police force and other mob bosses, with nothing in hand but a few punks? He has no army, no money, no guns nothing.
8.9 are you kidding.
I dont think there will ever be a joker thats as good as heath...
Over a decade later, and this film remains a rewatchable masterpiece.
Best joker of all time.
You are in for a show tonight son.
It trips me out that he's making up the story as he goes along.
Masterpiece, watched it a few more time than the dark knight.
Vitez theme for wordpress.
3:42 to 4:00, god I love that part so much the music is so epic. Im so grateful that I got the see this trilogy in theaters.
I remember when I went to see this movie in the cinema, in the end almost the whole room standing clapping, it was a magical moment...
I didnt know Cam Wake was in this movie.
Imagin the movie ending with Alfred nodding to someone but never showing Bruce.
Im gonna do what jim gordan never could Really.
CHILLS. I remember seeing this opening night and the audience reactions were nothing I heard before.
Vitex meaning.
What song is 47:02.
4:22 such an incredible shot.
Vitz metals inc.
2:35 Joker Speech/Discussion Favorite Scene.
Bale put his heart and soul into the epic trilogy.
My favorite batman movie to this never gets old
This scene is so epic! Best ending to a trilogy. Why do I get goosebumps everytime when I see this scene. I just loves how Batman drives through the mall like a badass lol. Vitex men. It's going to take years and this movie to get old is a pity that such immortal movies are never available.
Fun fact: A lot of the vehicle exterior shots when in the tunnel were 1/3 scale models
This masterpiece will remain a character. Christian bale should have played in justice league I swear smh 🤦🏾♂️. Marvel: we have 23 films DC: we have Batman. 1:21 love the delivery of “thats not good. okay thats NOT good”.